
Knowledge Base Module

Centralize and share essential information about your school with precision.

The Knowledge Base module enables the school to provide Eduka users with a directory of articles relating to the operation of the school. Thanks to the permissions system, the content created can be made visible only to a given category of user if required, eg. parents, staff, students, etc.

Key Benefits:

  • Organized structure by categories and sub-categories.
  • Precise targeting of users via eligibility criteria.
  • FAQ functionality for frequently asked questions.
  • Publication and translation of articles for easy distribution.


  • Building the Knowledge Base:
    • Organize your Knowledge Base by Categories and Subcategories, which will include Articles that present the content to the user.
    • Attach each proposed category to eligibility criteria to target the users who will see this or that category of content (Parents of students, Staff members, Students, etc.).
  • FAQ:
    • Create more specific links or content to answer your users frequently asked questions.
  •  Publication of the Knowledge Base Portal:
    • Publish the knowledge base to users once it has been compiled and organized.
    • Translation of articles to suit a multilingual audience.
  • Other features:
    • Generate PDF versions of your articles.
    • Revision history to track content changes and updates.
    • Simplify the management and distribution of knowledge within your faculty with our advanced module, designed to centralize, organize and make essential information easily accessible to your users.

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    Educational Module

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    Core Module

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    Optional Module

    This is an optional module, please contact us if you are interested in deploying it within your platform.

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    Module pédagogique

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    Module de base

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    Module optionnel

    Il s'agit d'un module optionnel, veuillez nous contacter si vous souhaitez le déployer au sein de votre plateforme.

    Module services périscolaires

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    Module communication 360°

    Stimulez la communication grâce à une communication ciblée facile, en gardant votre communauté scolaire engagée et connectée.