
Admissions Module

Manage the Enrollment, Re-enrollment, and Departure Processes for Your Students

Efficiently handle the enrollment, re-enrollment, and departure processes for students with advanced and intuitive features for both parents and schools.

Key Benefits:

  • Admissions portal for parents and schools.
  • Digital processes for enrollment, re-enrollment, and cancellation.
  • Online payment available before submitting the application (e.g., application fees).
  • Customizable online forms.
  • Real-time tracking of admission files.
  • Automated processes and integration with the Finance module.


Admissions Portal for Parents:

  • Online Account Creation:
    • Self-service.
  • Digital Processes:
    • Enrollment, re-enrollment, and cancellation.
  • Online Forms:
    • Customizable and unlimited fields, document uploads, automatic document generation, online validation of enrollment conditions.
  • Course and Program Selection:
    • Rules to ensure consistency with parents’ choices.
  • Real-Time Tracking:
    • From the Parent Portal or via automatic notifications.


Admissions Portal for Schools:

  • Real-Time Tracking:
    • Enrollment, re-enrollment, and cancellation files centralized.
  • Module Customization:
    • Reproduce all dossier processing steps involving various departments.
  • Process Automation:
    • Define automatic sequences between steps, integrate with the Finance module for billing and fee collection, automatic status change notifications to parents.
  • Bulk Processing:
    • Specific actions on selected elements.
  • Ease of Use:
    • Fast email processes, view attachments, and document creation.

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