
School Structure Module

Easily manage structures with an intuitive interface for all schools, including multi-site and international

Build and manage structures easily via an intuitive interface in just a few clicks, with support for all types of schools, including multi-site and international clusters.

Key Benefits:

  • Precise definition of pedagogical offerings and course selections by school year.
  • Real-time overview of past, present and projected enrolments.
  • Course selections adapted to the chosen curriculum.
  • Mass assignment of students to classes in just a few clicks.
  • Configuration of capacities at multiple levels: grade, class, and site.
  • Management of multi-grade classes.


  • Curriculum definition and management:
    • Precise definition of curriculum and course selections by school year.
    • Get a real-time overview of past, present and projected enrollments by positioning each student in the grade history.
  • Customized course selections:
    • Restrict possible course selections on re-enrollment to match any change in admissions entry.
    • Define selection rules for specialized courses/subjects offered (such as languages, compulsory/faculty subjects, etc.).
  • Student assignment:
    • Perform mass assignment of students to classes in just a few clicks using drag & drop.
    • Support for double and multiple curricula (French, British, American, Moroccan…).
    • Multi-entity and subject-specific management.
    • Flexible management of courses and school structures.
  • Flexibility and customization:
    • Customize structure management options to meet the specific needs of your school.
    • Simplify administrative management and improve the efficiency of your educational teams.
    • Optimize the management of your school structures with our advanced module, designed to adapt to all types of schools, including multi-site and international clusters.

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