
Canteen module

Efficiently Manage Meal Choices, Registrations, and Billing for Your School Cafeteria

Discover our cafeteria management module, designed to simplify life for parents and administrative teams. Register children for fixed or à la carte periods with various meal options suitable for each school level. Parents can easily register, access menus, and stay updated via a dedicated portal. Track real-time registrations, manage access and absences, and integrate billing with our finance module. Our solution seamlessly integrates with other catering systems for smooth and efficient management.

Key Benefits:

  • E-wallet (Electronic Wallet):
  • Easy management of registrations.
  • Parent cafeteria portal.
  • API/integration with third-party cafeteria systems.


  • E-wallet Solution (Electronic Wallet):
    • Balance per student for use in the school cafeteria.
    • Top-up via online payment or cash.
  • Cafeteria Registration Management:
    • Fixed Periods: Annual, quarterly…
    • À la Carte: Weekly registration for selected days.
  • Meal Options:
    • Different prices based on school level: meal type, tray, snack, packed lunch…
  • Parent Portal:
    • Easy registration for available meal options.
    • Cafeteria news/menus feed.
  • Operational and Registration Management:
    • Real-time registration tracking.
    • Integrated billing with the Finance module.
    • Monitor entries, access, and absences.
    • Supervisor portal.
  • Integration with Other Catering Solutions:
    • Access management with badge, turnstile, or other equipment.
    • Management of cafeteria and e-wallet.
    • Provision of APIs allowing integration with third-party systems for eWallet usage or recording entries in school cafeterias.

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    Educational Module

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    Core Module

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    Optional Module

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    Module de base

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    Module optionnel

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    Module communication 360°

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