For your school or school group

The Eduka network consists of hundreds of schools around the world. Our software solution is suitable for both small and large schools: the largest Eduka school currently has more than 8500 students!



We also work with many private schools and associations that have chosen Eduka for all their partner schools. Eduka Suite includes management features dedicated to groups: you can have several schools on the same platform to centralize the management of your group; we also offer Business Intelligence (BI) services thanks to a team of experienced consultants.

Discover the Eduka network

Eduka Suite is present on all continents and its databases already contain hundreds of thousands of students and parents in hundreds of schools around the world. Discover below an interactive map updated regularly with our list of partner schools. Click on one of the areas on the map below to see the list of Eduka schools in that area. This list is updated regularly but it may not contain all our latest schools: to obtain the complete list of Eduka schools, please contact us.



User testimonials

Our users love Eduka and often tell us so! Below is a selection of testimonials. These are anonymous for confidentiality reasons, but please contact us if you want to know who is behind them. We will be able to put you in touch with these users who will tell you all the good things they think of Eduka.

Dear Eduka Team, What can I say except that you are just great! This new application portal module is a real gem that we can’t wait to put into practice. It is just like Eduka: smart, powerful and so practical! Your inventions/updates/new features lighten our daily tasks (again and again) and give value to our interventions. It is rare, precious and appreciated. A big, simple and sincere thank you.DAF

Many parents have expressed their satisfaction with the ease of registration and the clarity of information. And I didn’t get any emails about connection problems, only about lack of available seats. In short, from my point of view a real success. Thank you both for your help and support!AES Coordinator

The management of online registrations is perfect and after spending time preparing everything, the time saved and the management of files is great: everything is online, the documents are digitized and accessible, the management ergonomics are great! The ECA module is perfect and serves us very well.Principal

Following our Open Day event, the portal was opened this afternoon at 3pm. The registrations are working without any problem and I have not had any feedback about the difficulty of entering the wishes…Thank you for your help.Main

I now do my reminders on Eduka, and it works great, my work is faster and more efficient thanks to this module, thank you!Finance Department

I wanted to tell you that we have very good feedback from Eduka, we have opened access to teachers who are slowly starting to dive into the tool.IT consultant

Thank you for all the efforts and support with the teams for the different module implementations. I hope that we will be as satisfied with the finance module as we were with the registration modules that made our lives easier.Principal

Thank you for your speed and efficiency! The same cannot be said of all the technical support for companies… !Parent

“Thank you for all the help, I really appreciate it!Sports coordinator

Thank you very much for this training and the content provided. Have a great day.DAF

So we sent out the information campaign and we have our first registrants! Thank you again for all the help you gave us to make the operation run smoothly.IT consultant

“20 minutes to analyze the request, understand the problem, edit the patch and update the platform …. Not bad, not bad!IT department

The Implementation team is doing a great job. They are very responsive and knowledgeable.Director of Educational Technology

If you would like to share your testimonial or feedback, please contact us.